Dixie's Testimony

I need to share with you a testimony.   In the health information I have sent you several articles and reports about the importance of grounding, walking on the grass, ground, wrapping arms around a tree (yes this is grounding and pulling frequencies into your body) and wearing leather sole shoes not the thick plastic or artificial materials.   There are several thermal pictures of before and after  of how red our bodies are prior to grounding and after just a few minutes of grounding our bodies have green and blue color in place of the red coloring indicating inflammation pulled out and healing going on.I had forgotten to put the grounding sheet on our bed when we arrived here. I put it on our bed on 1/2 and I would guess about a week later we noticed that about 10am and most all afternoon our 2 year old dog disappeared into our bedroom and we would find him lying on top of our bed.   He doesn't sleep in our bed so we wondered why he would be lying there.    We let him be and just watched - then it hit me this week that he has been doing it every day since I put that grounding sheet on the bed.   He is grounding.   You who have dogs or cats  know that they will follow the sun in your home, dogs will go outside usually around 9-10 am for 20 minutes and lay on the ground in the sunshine - they are grounding.    They are considered ground animals and grounding is necessary.   It is equally important for us also.So here is proof that grounding sheets do work.   We may not notice much changes but when an animal's body language is telling us it works, then we know for sure it is working.   These grounding sheets come in flat or fitted, fitted sheets are better as they don't move or slide.  There are also grounding pillowcases and grounding blankets, as well as grounding pads for underneath your feet when sitting in a chair or sofa, and grounding pads for underneath laptops.    Simply plug into a grounding outlet on your wall outlet.  The plug is like a headphone jack plug.  They are washable.  One caution is not to wear essential oils on your body and lay on the sheets, pillowcases or wrap in blankets as the oil can damage the silver strands in the sheets, cases or blankets.   There are thin lines of pure silver strands throughout the materials, this is the grounding process.Enjoy good health grounding - sun gazing at sunrise and sunset  - Celtic sea salt in mouth for each glass of water you drink and you really only need eight 8 ounce glasses a day..no need to over hydrate and stress electrolytes.  Eat more vegetables than other foods, raw, steamed are best.   Fill up on vegetables first then the rest of your meal.   Always have some protein at each meal, even as simple as some nuts give us protein.   Take good care of this beautiful body (our engine) because we can't go buy another one at a local store.   This is what I used to tell my children.....    
Get outside and breathe in some fresh air, open windows and let fresh air into the rooms for a few minutes daily.   Prepare for spring as it is coming soon and you already are noticing the evenings are light longer.   Plan your garden area even if it is a small section.  Grow some veggies you can go  out and pick to wash and eat.   Try and find a corner somewhere where you can actually grow a patch of dandelions, they are amazing for our heart health and also kill cancer cells.  This is why the evil government agencies want us to spray them with toxins to kill them - because they heal us and pharma and doctors can't make money on healthy people.    
We do not spray pesticides in our yard, but both neighbors on each side of us in Greenville do spray toxic pesticides to kill the dandelions;   The spray killed the entire row of my raspberries along the inside of our fence just from the spray hitting them.   And - our yard is full of robins looking for worms, we never see any robins in either yard next to us because their yards are sterile and no worms are left in the yards.   Again - let nature, like our dog is doing, tell/teach us .

Health & Wellness Leader
Dixie Nielsen

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