Finding Her Way
From farmland, to God’s land
Pastor Jan grew up on a farm in rural Wisconsin with eight siblings. Although she attended church every Sunday with her family, she never connected with God or understood how the Bible related to her everyday life. She came to understand church to be a weekly obligation that resulted in a ticket to heaven. Pastor Jan, a mother of three young children and by her mid twenties, was a heavy smoker, an alcoholic, and suffered from recurrent nervous breakdowns. At 34 years old, Pastor Jan reached a turning point in her life when she first heard of God as being a wonderful and loving Father. She felt God was a mean, disconnected, and scornful God, who was always ready to punish sin and bad behavior. The message of a loving and caring God moved her and without really knowing what she was doing, Pastor Jan followed the leading of the still, small voice and asked Jesus to come into her heart.
Twenty Years of Service
For the next twenty years, Pastor Jan continued to attend church and Bible studies, seeking an understanding of what the Bible really meant. Although she didn’t always understand what she was reading, she continued to labor in reference books, dictionaries and concordances to get an understanding of the Word of God. Pastor Jan led a women’s Bible study for several years before pursuing pastoral ministry. Pastor Jan studied under Dr. Frederick K. C. Price and received her license to Pastor and was ordained in August of 2007. She has been serving as the Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Christian Fellowship since 2003. El Shaddai Christian Fellowship is a covenant partner with Andrew Wommack Ministries, Nancy Dufresne Ministries, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and Bill Winston Ministries. Pastor Jan has been married to her husband Kenny for over 59 years. Together they have 3 children and 7 grandchildren.

Pastor Jan and Ken with Oral Roberts

Pastor Jan and Ken with Robin and Robin Bullock
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