Our bodies know how to heal itself, it was built and designed to heal itself if we put in the right fuel/food.

All we need to heal anything is a surplus of energy in a hydrated alkaline environment
If we are well hydrated by drinking plenty of pure water with - a pinch or two of Celtic salt before every glass of water (and you will not have to go to the bathroom as much as usual because the salt will cause the water to be absorbed by the bodies cells and not straight into the bladder to be urinated out - causing dehydration) If we have plenty of energy.
If we eat an alkaline diet.  Then our body is able to heal itself of almost everything.    
But we need to do it not just when we feel something coming on us, but all of the time.    Do not let issues build up, take control of your health by making sure you address any issues you have before they become dangerous to our health.

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